Gender Equality Festival 2020

30 October 2020

Since, most of the time, I do my work in the studio and less in public spaces, there were few moments when I felt I was discriminated against as a female artist. Moreover, having my basic needs met (a place to live, a room of my own), without having to scramble for survival like so many women around the world, I am fortunate to be able to choose to do art which is a great privilege. But that's not the case for every female artist.

Sometimes I feel something holding me back when I have the chance to exhibit my art, knowing that my gender will influence the way it will be judged and that it will be met with preconceived notions and stereotypes: that female artists can only make decorative art, that the subject and the execution are too "childish", that women don't know how to paint etc. And the fact that women are less represented in the Romanian art world is a great disadvantage. It makes me feel marginalized and unsure of the fact that what I'm creating will be visible.

I talked about these issues and many others with artist Dan Perjovschi at the invitation of the Gender Equality Festival 2020 organized by ALEG (The Association for Freedom and Equality of Gender). I put the recording on Youtube and I added English subtitles. Here it is:

Useful links:

  • Ana Lupaș's artwork that I am referring to in the talk: The Solemn Process
  •  UNESCO report about the Culture & working conditions for artists (2019) that also includes a gender equality analysis

"The gender gap among artists is not primarily about the numbers of practicing professional artists – where it appears there is a rough overall balance between men and women – but rather about other key indicators such as income inequality, inequality in decision-making, gender portrayal, and sexual harassment and personal safety."

  • A fascinating book about the gender data gap - a gap in our knowledge that is at the root of discrimination against women: Invisible women by Caroline Criado Perez.

"When we are designing a world that is meant to work for everyone we need women in the room."

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